Dov’è Samba?
“Dov’è Samba?” Ecco la domanda che mi rivolgono più spesso i nostri ospiti più piccoli. Ma chi è Samba? è il nuovo cucciolo della Cascina, un gattino che si atteggia da tigre e attira su di sé tutte le attenzioni di ospiti, amici e famiglia. Fin dall’inizio di questa strana stagione, Samba ci ha accompagnato e lo stesso abbiamo [...]
Contrastare l’erosione con il rosmarino
Video Nel video pubblicato il 10/04/2020, vi abbiamo parlato del fenomeno dell'erosione sui terrazzamenti esposti a sud. Ad autunno inoltrato, abbiamo deciso di piantare talee di rosmarino che andranno ad ombreggiare il suolo e favoriranno la ricomparsa di erbe spontanee. Samuel, Nicole e Alejandro
Mange-tout or peas?
Picking up products from your own vegetable garden is definitely an exciting experience: first you prepare the ground, you seed carefully, you check weather forecasts worried about spring frosts, heavy rainfall or drought, you gently grow the new plants in the greenhouse and most importantly you meticulously observe the transformation of these young beings. Only then you have the [...]
SostenibilitĂ – intervisa a Samuel
Che cosa ti ha spinto a realizzare una struttura a basso impatto ambientale? Sinceramente non era nelle mie intenzioni, non è stata una scelta programmata a priori. Quando ho iniziato a progettare (2006) e poi a ristrutturare (2007-2011), non avevo in mente di fare una struttura a basso impatto ambientale, seguivo il mio buon senso che consiste in una [...]
Erosione delle rive
Video "Non c'è bisogno d'andar lontano per scoprire questo funesto fenomeno tendenzialmente irreversibile quando si superano certi limiti." In una giornata di primavera ho provato a verificare la temperatura del terreno nei terrazzamenti esposti a sud, guardate questo video per vedere cosa ho scoperto... Samuel
At Cascina Rodiani we only use solar and biomass (wood and wood pellet) energy to warm up water we need for heating, cooking and personal hygiene. That’s why we are CO2-free as far as the basic needs are concerned. This post will be about the firewood cycle production. When the biomass decomposes in nature, it releases the same amount of [...]
Homemade vegetable stock
Here we are again in the Cascina's kitchen using the products from our vegetable garden. Today we make a homemade vegetable stock celery-based perfect to give flavor to soups, sauces etc. We share with you the recipe... Ingredients:Â 250 g green celery, 2 carrots, 2 onions, 2-3 cloves of garlic, 2 leaves of laurel, 1 spring of rosemary, 2 branches [...]
Water is the most important resource for us to save, but how do we manage it here at Cascina Rodiani? We do a lot, reaching the most advanced eco-standards, certainly above average. As a matter of fact, not only we manage sparingly drinkable water coming from the sinks, but also we take charge of wastewater. Cascina Rodiani is located [...]
Tracks from the Cascina’s past
Our territory can tell you a lot about the past and its origins: the finding of an object, the presence of a particular plant or some recurring toponym becomes a trace to recollect a forgotten time. We can say the same for Cascina Rodiani and the village of Drezzo, located in a region that has always been characterised by [...]
Our natural lake
After the first formal presentation and a “space tour”, let us come back to the earth: good intentions are not enough, there is no sustainability without facts and real actions. On the Drezzo’s hill, a pleasant surprise will refresh the Cascina’s summer. As many of you probably already knows, our natural lake is becoming reality. We started working in [...]
Green Hospitality according to Cascina Rodiani
Situated in the protected area of Parco Spina Verde (Natura 2000), Cascina Rodiani welcomes its guests according to the principles of responsible tourism. The flora and the fauna of the park enrich its landscape, creating a special experience, where nature is the real protagonist. During the four years of the Cascina's renovation, we promoted local materials and applied pioneering [...]
Welcome to Cascina Rodiani-Green Hospitality’s blog
“We are guests of nature” are the first words you meet on our website, on the background of a pleasant view of the Cascina. However, have you ever asked yourself which meaning hides behind this slogan? How to read at best these few and simple words? The welcome post introduces you to Cascina Rodiani’s blog, helping us from now [...]